Bank Keys
There are 4 different types of Bank Keys that can be chosen at the time of purchase. Each type of key rewards the ecosystem differently and is chosen at the end of every round based on the most popular type of key purchased in that round.
Snek Key: Prioritizes funding BAS3D VIPs, giving more to those who stake rather than to those who purchase a key in a given round.
Whale Key: Wanting the pot to grow to be largest possible, whale keys prioritize giving a larger portion to the BAS3D winner through the jackpot won at the end of the round. This key lowers the amount of returns going to VIPs and Bank Key owners.
Bull Key: A larger portion of the pot is distributed to the Key owners in the form of dividends, taking away from the amount that would be going to VIPs.
Bear Key: Choosing a Bear key means you want NO returns to go to VIPS, and instead, gives 100% of the Key taxes back to Key owners from that round.
Once the Round timer ends, the winning team is selected which dictates how the round funds are distributed. The winning team is only selected once the last key is purchased and the round comes to an end.
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